miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Becoming a salilor. Dedicated to my friend Mowgli. Auistralia.2007

Everyone who never had been introduced in the arts of navigation could suppose to become a sailor is just aboard a boat and go out to sea. Many things come first to aboard a boat and star to experience how is the life of the sailor. When I was young the only sailor that I met was Popeye in spite of I never saw him navigate on a boat, he seems more a superhero than a sailor. Just three times before I’d navigated in my life, all these were of passengers despite I never had to know how really a boat works and less how repair it.

The trip couldn’t star because Mowgli, the boat owner, and me, just worked repairing the hull of the boat. The first step was get out it from the sea with a crane and put it on the boaltyard where many boats were being repairing by strongest men called “the aussi workers”. These men are recognized by his faculty to work with heavy machines, over the sun and no much protection like mask, gloves, save clothes each other. They make each activity with precision and very fast, when they star to work just stop to take the lunch, being concentrated in his jobs in that way that it`s admirable how they enjoying making the most strongest works. Then when they finish some of them use to go to the pub drink a beer and make jokes, they prefer light conversation than serious conversation, predominant the subjects about sports, women and stories.

Anyway the boat was already to repair it and just missed the explanation about safety measures with the machines and with the chemist which are drop from the hull of the boat while is sanding, using the jigsaw and the waterblast. This sort of works requires estrict measures of secutity because and accident coulb be come for negligence, confusing or a worth unlistened. the only troble that I had while I m working was when some squezees of fiber glass fall on my leggs making me feel scrath and a little bit of headding, anyway fortunaly my health was saved in a short time.

The wood which recovered the hull was wet therefore we removed all the off wood carefully to not ruin the on wood. Then we were sanding per hours and hours, days and days, feeling on your own flesh the challenges that feel an aussie worker when spend a lot of your time over the sun concentraded in his activity. It was a great experience participate in the arrange of the boat that will carry me on one day to the sea. I don`t know when exactly the boat will be already, this is not the matter, the point is that when all the energy is put in a great propose like navigate this surely will come, and it could be seem an illussion of a dreamer but this is the adventure that I ve chosen to my life now, living in a world that show everyday interesting people and beatiful places. I think that this is the life of the sailors looking in the ocean the great door to the world, the soul of the sailor confronte great risks, is changing every time, looking for adventures, lovers and friends every time, cool life that one day I m going to experience.

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